AI App Tools Ranking

According to the monthly discovery of the most popular AI iOS app tools

Rank Description Downloads Growth Growth Rate Monthly Active Users Monthly Income
1 16,999,983 -400,019 -2.3% 23,300,000 $29,699,941
2 6,000,000 800,000 +15.4% 10,000 -
3 838,999 180,999 +27.5% 575,000 $759,997
4 834,999 -99,001 -10.6% 4,000,000 $167,001
5 753,998 -44,003 -5.5% 408,000 $468,001
6 700,002 -12,995 -1.8% 2,100,000 $364,994
7 661,001 430,003 +186.2% 70,000 $789,003
8 582,000 -110,002 -15.9% 427,000 $2,400,003
9 536,998 -292,999 -35.3% 518,000 $413,002
10 525,001 -40,998 -7.2% 1,000 $51,997