AI App Tools Ranking

According to the monthly discovery of the most popular AI iOS app tools

Rank Description Downloads Growth Growth Rate Monthly Active Users Monthly Income
1 17,400,000 -500,000 -2.8% 21,400,000 $25,200,000
2 2,000,000 -200,000 -9.1% 986,000 $3,700,000
3 934,000 -266,000 -22.2% 4,000,000 $172,000
4 830,000 4,000 +0.5% 506,000 $626,000
5 798,000 214,000 +36.6% 392,000 $478,000
6 713,000 75,000 +11.8% 1,800,000 $290,000
7 692,000 -62,000 -8.2% 390,000 $2,500,000
8 658,000 -83,000 -11.2% 481,000 $673,000
9 592,000 -256,000 -30.2% 385,000 $835,000
10 566,000 13,000 +2.4% 1,000 $51,000