Disney+ Details

By: Erica 2025-03-11 17:19:39


    This content is a list of frequently asked questions and answers for users who purchased Disney+ on FamilyPro. If you have questions about purchasing Disney+, please refer to the following content. For any other inquiries, you can contact customer support by clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner of the website.

    1. What Disney+ plan is offered, and does it support 4K?

    We offer the Disney+ Premium plan, which supports 4K.

    2. Are there any regional restrictions?

    The Disney+ account we provide has no regional restrictions. As long as you are in a country where https://www.disneyplus.com/is accessible, you can use it.

    3. How do I get the login code?

    On the subscription page of the website (https://familypro.io/order), there is a button to get the login verification code. Simply click the "Refresh" button to obtain it. The verification code will appear below the login code.

    Disney+ login code
    Disney+ login code

    4. After purchasing, which profile is mine?

    On the subscription page (https://familypro.io/order), you can see the specific profiles, which correspond to the numbers in your Disney+ account.

    FamilyPro-Disney+ profile
    FamilyPro-Disney+ profile
    Disney+ profile
    Disney+ profile

    5. Can I change the name of my profile?

    It is best not to change it. However, if you need to change it, please keep the profile number. For example, 1 Erica.

    6. How do I change the language settings on Disney+?

    Step 1: Click "Edit Profiles" in the top right corner.

    change the language settings on Disney+
    Change the language settings on Disney+

    Step 2: Click the eidt iconbutton next to the corresponding profile, and you will see a language settings option. Click the dropdown button and select the language you need.

    Change the language settings on Disney+
    Change the language settings on Disney+

    7. How do I set a PIN for my Disney+ profile?

    On the app or website, log in and:

    Step 1: Click "Edit Profiles" in the top right corner.

    How do I set a PIN for my Disney+ profile?

    Step 2: Click the edit iconbutton next to the corresponding profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see an option for "Profile PIN."

    Set Profile PIN
    Set Profile PIN

    Step 3: Click the option, enter your account password, and go to the PIN settings page. Check the box at the top, set your desired PIN, and save it.

    Set Profile PIN
    Set Profile PIN

    8. Why does my TV show a message saying I need to reset my password? How to solve it?

    This occurs because you've entered the password incorrectly too many times while logging in on the TV. Please double-check the password when logging in. If this happens, contact customer support for assistance.


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