This content is a list of frequently asked questions and answers for users who purchased ChatGPT on FamilyPro. If you have questions about purchasing ChatGPT, please refer to the following content. For any other inquiries, you can contact customer support by clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner of the website.
1. What’s the Difference between a Shared and a Private ChatGPT Account?
- Shared Account: Used by 4 people who share the cost. We will sell one account to four users.
- Private Account: For personal use during the subscription period, and the chat history is only yours. We will sell one account to only one users.
2. How Many People Share a ChatGPT Shared Account?
On FamilyPro, a ChatGPT shared account is used by 4 people. We will sell one account to four users and the cost is shared.
3. Are There Any Limitations with a Shared Account?
The Plus plan has usage limits. The ChatGPT 4.0 model can be used 50 times within 3 hours, and the ChatGPT 4o model can be used 80 times within 3 hours. These limits are shared among the 4 users. To get the best use, do not share the account with others.
4. Can Others See My Chat History on a Shared Account?
Yes, the chat history is shared among users on the same account, so others will see your chat history. If you are concerned about privacy, you can use Incognito Mode or delete the chat history after use.
If you are uncomfortable with this, please refrain from purchasing a shared account.
5. Why do I See Other People’s Records on My Private ChatGPT Account?
A private account is for personal use during your subscription period. If you see records of other users, it means the account was used by someone else before you. These chat history can be deleted. We guarantee no one else will use the account during your subscription period.
6. How do I Delete My Chat History in ChatGPT?
Hover over the chat you want to delete in the left menu, click on the “...” next to the chat, and select “Delete.” If you're using a shared account, ensure you only delete your own chats.
7. How do I Use ChatGPT in Temporary Mode?
- Go to the ChatGPT interface, click on the model selection button in the upper left corner.
- Scroll to the bottom and enable the “Incognito Mode” option.
- In Temporary Mode, chats will not be saved, but real-time conversations will still be available.

8. Do I Need a VPN to Log into ChatGPT?
- If you are in a region where or ChatGPT services are not accessible, you will need a VPN.
- Use a stable VPN and connect to a country that supports ChatGPT (e.g., the US).
9. What do I Do after Purchasing ChatGPT?
After purchase, we will send the login details for the Plus account to your subscription page and your email.
- Use the provided login details to sign in on .
- After logging in, you will be able to use the features of ChatGPT.

10. What if I’m Asked to Enter a Login Code When Logging into ChatGPT?
If you're asked to enter a login code, go to, click on the “Subscription” tab, and click the "Refresh" button to obtain it. The verification code will appear below the login code.
Tips: Please wait 2 minutes before clicking to get the code.

11. Can the Password Change during My ChatGPT Subscription?
It’s possible. If other users’ subscriptions in a shared account expire, we will change the password and send the new password to your subscription page and email. If your login doesn’t work, check your email for the new password.
12. Can I Renew My Subscription? Can I Continue Using the Same Account after Renewal?
Yes, renewal is possible. Before your subscription expires, visit, click “Subscription,” then click “Renew” and complete the payment. After renewal, you will continue using the same account. The subscription will be automatically extended from the expiration date of your current order.
13. Will My Subscription be Automatically Renewed Next Month?
Currently, subscriptions are one-time payments. If you need to renew, manually click on the “Renew” button on the subscription page and make the payment.