AI App Tools Ranking

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Rank Description Downloads Growth Growth Rate Monthly Active Users Monthly Income
1 2,000,000 1,000,000 +100.0% - $300,000
2 1,000,000 584,000 +140.4% - $100,000
3 300,000 18,000 +6.4% - $1,000
4 200,000 -6,000 -2.9% - $50,000
5 200,000 92,000 +85.2% - $1,000
6 100,000 -15,000 -13.0% - $300,000
7 50,000 -26,000 -34.2% - $1,000
8 40,000 8,000 +25.0% - $1,000
9 30,000 16,000 +114.3% - $1,000
10 20,000 5,000 +33.3% - $1,000