

  • Description: Speaktor uses artificial intelligence to automatically convert text to speech. You can use Speaktor as text reader and voice generator. TTS

  • Monthly Visits: 333.1K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-11

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 333.1K
Bounce Rate: 35.93%
Pages Per Visit: 3.51
Avg Visit Duration: 00:02:44

Monthly Visit Top Country

Brazil: 16.63%
Turkey: 8.96%
Ukraine: 8.22%
Poland: 4.83%
Germany: 4.75%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
Brazil: 55.4K 30.77% 4.57 4.5 minutes
Turkey: 29.8K 19.46% 5.4 5.1 minutes
Ukraine: 27.4K 62.56% 2.56 3.3 minutes
Poland: 16.1K 54.41% 3.57 3.0 minutes
Germany: 15.8K 77.59% 1.61 42 seconds

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis