• Description: Chat, search, and interact with all your knowledge — even your meetings. Create your free account now.

  • Monthly Visits: 374.1K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-11

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 374.1K
Bounce Rate: 36.79%
Pages Per Visit: 7.34
Avg Visit Duration: 00:05:16

Monthly Visit Top Country

Sweden: 28.14%
United Kingdom: 11.69%
United States: 10.7%
Spain: 6.5%
Netherlands: 4.83%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
Sweden: 105.3K 40.64% 7.58 7.4 minutes
United Kingdom: 43.7K 39.59% 11.91 7.6 minutes
United States: 40.0K 43.14% 6.0 4.6 minutes
Spain: 24.3K 56.23% 5.83 3.2 minutes
Netherlands: 18.1K 44.4% 5.82 6.5 minutes

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis