• Description: Solve problems and get explanations for all subjects in one place. Study smarter and more efficiently with QANDA.

  • Monthly Visits: 198.0K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-15

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 198.0K
Bounce Rate: 38.32%
Pages Per Visit: 2.79
Avg Visit Duration: 00:01:33

Monthly Visit Top Country

Korea: 36.49%
Vietnam: 22.94%
Indonesia: 17.47%
Thailand: 6.68%
Japan: 3.54%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
Korea: 72.3K 59.38% 2.14 54 seconds
Vietnam: 45.4K 29.08% 2.78 2.3 minutes
Indonesia: 34.6K 40.92% 3.68 44 seconds
Thailand: 13.2K 7.01% 4.14 8.1 minutes
Japan: 7.0K 64.74% 1.91 30 seconds

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis