

  • Description: Image to text converter is a free online OCR tool that extract text from images with few clicks. It offers fast and accurate picture to text conversion.

  • Monthly Visits: 201.2K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-11

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 201.2K
Bounce Rate: 51.59%
Pages Per Visit: 1.36
Avg Visit Duration: 00:00:34

Monthly Visit Top Country

China: 33.75%
Russia: 5.19%
United States: 4.65%
India: 3.78%
Germany: 2.93%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
China: 67.9K 91.16% 1.11 16 seconds
Russia: 10.4K 85.97% 1.14 8 seconds
United States: 9.3K 68.16% 1.15 2 seconds
India: 7.6K 68.68% 1.33 1.7 minutes
Germany: 5.9K 81.39% 1.33 14 seconds

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis