

  • Description: AI role-play chat and story generator. Chat with AI characters, generate fan-fiction, or just fool around. No rules, no restrictions, just your imagination.

  • Monthly Visits: 889.3K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-11

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 889.3K
Bounce Rate: 29.91%
Pages Per Visit: 6.77
Avg Visit Duration: 00:06:02

Monthly Visit Top Country

United States: 27.59%
Sweden: 15.18%
Indonesia: 14.4%
India: 10.93%
France: 5.24%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
United States: 245.3K 25.12% 7.28 9.2 minutes
Sweden: 135.0K 28.94% 4.28 14.2 minutes
Indonesia: 128.0K 11.14% 8.96 4.2 minutes
India: 97.2K 26.46% 8.78 12.5 minutes
France: 46.6K 11.28% 5.33 5.8 minutes

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis