AI Meal Planner - Pe

AI Meal Planner - Pe

  • Description: AI Meal Planner is your smart culinary companion, generating personalized meal plans based on your dietary needs and preferences. Experience dynamic meal suggestions, interactive recipes, and convenient grocery lists - all tailored to your taste, health goals, and seasonality.

  • Monthly Visits: 7.3K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-11

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 7.3K
Bounce Rate: 55.27%
Pages Per Visit: 1.43
Avg Visit Duration: 00:00:32

Monthly Visit Top Country

India: 46.95%
United States: 25.54%
Australia: 12.92%
United Kingdom: 11.18%
Vietnam: 2.98%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
India: 3.4K 79.59% 1.29 55 seconds
United States: 1.9K 67.7% 1.57 39 seconds
Australia: 942 36.53% 1.47 40 seconds
United Kingdom: 815 44.14% 1.64 43 seconds
Vietnam: 217 69.6% 1.59 45 seconds

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis